Discussion about planned changes in Labour Legislation of Georgia

On 7 th November, The University of Georgia hosted a presentation of the paper by Gnomon Wise Research Institute and a discussion about the planned changes in labour legislation.
Participants of the discussion were as follows: Mr. Irakli Petriashvili - Chairman of the Georgian Trade Union Confederation; Mr. Irakli Lekvinadze - Business Ombudsman of Georgia; Mr. Shalva Tskhakaia - Head of Legal Committee of Employers Association; Gnomon Wise Researchers.
The document prepared by Gnomon Wise (evaluation of planned changes in labour legislation) analyzes amendments in the Organic Law of Georgia - "Labour Code of Georgia" and Draft Law of Georgia on Labour Inspection. The paper also presents the authors' assessments considering the systematic understanding of changes and labor market indicators.
The document is available on the following link.