National Security Architecture of Georgia: Challenges and Solutions

Georgia, as a young state in the process of developing its institutions, faces numerous challenges stemming from both objective and subjective factors. Compounding these challenges is the disruption of our country's territorial integrity. Georgia confronts a variety of threats, primarily originating from external sources but also partially from internal dynamics. Moreover, in today's global landscape, the proliferation of hybrid threats presents a formidable obstacle, even for nations with more robust institutional frameworks than Georgia. It is imperative to highlight the detrimental role played by Russia, which seeks to reassert its dominance over post-Soviet states, including Georgia. To achieve this goal, Russia employs hybrid tactics exemplified by the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the instigation of military conflicts in eastern Ukraine. Additionally, direct military aggression was waged against Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2022.
Against this backdrop, with the assistance of international partners, Georgia must establish a robust national security architecture to formulate and implement effective national security policies aimed at mitigating and preventing threats to our country. Although Georgia endeavored to establish its national security architecture soon after regaining independence, significant challenges persist in this domain.
This policy document aims to assess the formation and evolution of Georgia's national security architecture, the development of national-level conceptual frameworks, and the current state of affairs in this realm. Furthermore, it will offer recommendations for enhancing the national security architecture and improving the planning and implementation of national security policies.
Note: The full document is available only in Georgian.