Gnomon Wise Activity Report 2023

Dear readers,
At the end of 2023, Georgia crossed the border of the most significant opportunities, and today, we are closer to fulfilling the unwavering will of Georgian citizens - to be a part of the European family - than ever before. That is why we want to start the year's summary by congratulating this crucial achievement.
Congratulations on being granted the status of a candidate for the European Union!
We congratulate our friendly and partner states on starting accession negotiations with the European Union. We pay particular respect to the Ukrainian state, without whose struggle, dedication, and love for freedom, even the European perspective would represent a distant future.
The year 2023 was full of challenges and internal and external tectonic shifts. Each member and actor of the society had an essential role in serving and protecting the path of democratic development of Georgia and the liberal-humane values to which the Georgian society has clearly stated its commitment more than once.
In 2023, Research Institute Gnomon Wise has been a loyal and enthusiastic supporter of these values. Throughout the year, we actively tried to strengthen the state of Georgia and contribute to its democratic transition, rapprochement with the European Union, and the well-being of our society through reliable and qualified research, policy documents, analytical articles, public discussions, participation in local, regional and international conferences.
Our readers - our society and partners - motivated us on this path. Gnomon Wise would like to thank all the people who have contributed even a little to the work of our institute.
This annual report briefly presents the Gnomon Wise team's main activities during 2023.
We remain committed to democratic values and continue to care for a better future for Georgia.
With best wishes,
Gnomon Wise team
Note: The document is available only in Georgian.