The Direction of Reforming Georgia's Social Protection Policy

This document describes and analyzes the problems and challenges of Georgia's social protection system. It focuses on the changes needed to solve these problems and outlines the main directions for reforming the social security system.
The document extensively reviews the theoretical and empirical literature that examines social security policies and the outcomes of reforms implemented by individual countries. We also thoroughly discuss countries characterized by relatively stable, reliable, and flexible social systems.
The document also includes a historical review of Georgia's social security system. It pays special attention to identifying and analyzing the causes of the current situation.
Based on changes in social policy in different countries and the study of academic literature, the document outlines the reformation directions necessary to solve Georgia's social policy problem. These directions include two alternatives: universal basic income and simplification/expansion of targeted social assistance.
The policy document outlines the directions of reform, which, under conditions of perfect implementation, are expected to reduce poverty rates and eliminate extreme poverty drastically.
Note: The full document is available only in Georgian.